
Homebase blog for a group of sites updated by Will Pollard. The hope is to work out how they link together so people can find the bits of interest.

Friday, January 02, 2015

Notes for 2015

This is trying out the Kendal library. I just moved here for some of the time. There will be wifi at home by the end of the month. Can't use Medium on this browser, not sure is fits anyway but I like the space.

Hello Spiders is and was open enough for words that suit engines. so this is the best space for what is a copy from notes. Over the last ten days or so I have gone back to pencil and pages. Also made a scrapbook from previous jottings. More on this later if there is time. 38 min left on library clock.

Starts with guess at 160m games sites having trouble with server hack. Not sure of the number but that was the news item post Xmas. There is a large base of games players somewhere.

Still not much about virtual worlds and the MOOC. Guardian still ignores this mostly.

Exeter Library strong on Fab Lab, Maker, 3D etc. This seems to be anew phase for the web, not sure how it will work out at other places. In Kendal could be part of the college but not yet visited.

Course / chat show structure for quality / ISO 9000

PDC/SA as a loop anyway, just map to existing experience
ISO 9000 2015 and other standards as a similar loop
More on systems and stats? as an option
So if audits are passed ok, what else to do?

Radio show could be more casual than a formal course, there is a danger it all ends up on a conformance model whatever the intention was

MOOCs to repeat in 2015
Local news
Scientific Humanities

Digital Business Academy
project could be a YouTube Channel for #mtw3
but what would the CMS thread make of this?
start with Bruno Latour and a "controversy" / "innovation"

also extend some of radio talk to Design Science for Radio Management
social media as well as airtime, Pulse on LinkedIn when sorted out

(another page of notes for another time )

Thing about the scrapbooks was that the notes for radio took up much more space than anything else. So I am moving more topics around the shows, @wenotno on Tue, Wild Show on Thur @PhonicFM

radio scrapbook includes topics around TEDx Exeter and Fab Lab. Maybe this will become part of #mtw later. Version 3 - #mtw3 - loops around the media in use but the web is going beyond content.

19 min late, need to check Youtube stats so ends for now