
Homebase blog for a group of sites updated by Will Pollard. The hope is to work out how they link together so people can find the bits of interest.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

#HybidAsNormal #ResultsWeek What happens to the site on Oxford Street for London College of Fashion ?

 On the way back from BETT we left the Elizabeth Line to look at Oxford Street. Chris Norton took a photo of the London College of Fashion. This moves to Stratford sometime soon so it will be interesting to find out what happens to this site.

The University of the arts ( London ) seems to keep building new locations, Kings Cross etc. The Elephant with Communication appears to have a new building started though the old one is still there. Not sure about any of this , news is welcome. 

"Results Week" is a possible August guest edit version of Today on Radio 4 to ask the question what happens to the "campus" and buildings as education moves online?  For retail and offices something has already happened. Has the campus just gone back to normal after the lockdowns?

Is there demand on Oxford Street for retail / offices ? Will UAL ever decide to sell property / merge sites together? Checking this site is not too far from Today studio.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Thinking about live drama and social media

A couple of news items over the weekend seem to relate to observations about the lack of social media clips promoting drama performance. Sunday Times reports a "mini-riot" at Bodyguard at Palace Theatre in Manchester. The audience may have expected a singalong evening. Observer notices several plays based on reputation of novels or films. Mrs Doubtfire will be a musical. Previously I have been trying to understand why it is hard to find sound clips for radio to promote drama performance in a similar way to music. I think there is a strong belief in the special experience of live performance. As if it cannot be mixed with samples or digital formats. The result seems to be that although there may be significant events in studios the public awareness is following social media trends. So titles from streaming options are familiar. For radio it is possible to use the original clips for derived performance. So this works ok for now. But longer term is there some way a story can be told in various ways?