Tweet Screenshot Expanded #TechExeter
Blog post may explain tweets, they can be cryptic when edited to fit.
I have been looking at the #TechExeter promotion and thinking about the #mtwr situation. (New readers , #mtwr is Management Theory at Work in Radio, continues #mtw3 )
#mtwr has so far been at the Bike shed Bar and Theatre during the summer lull when they gave us the space.
#mtw3 started as a social media launch for a "f2f" event but this has not happened yet.
I like the #TechExeter event as a mix of theory and practice. My impression is that this sort of thing is becoming more rare, even at Business Schools. So I will be following the situation and will bring a video camera. I realise there will be some official record but would like to experiment with the location. Not going too much off topic as #Tech, just some side issues. Earlier this year I attended #NLC2016 in Lancaster. Networked Learning is not starting with #tech but there is some possible crossover. continues on @wenotno , tomorrow on @phonicfm 12 -2 . Our chat between sounds is speculative but we welcome links to informed mp3 , also guests.
I like the #TechExeter event as a mix of theory and practice. My impression is that this sort of thing is becoming more rare, even at Business Schools. So I will be following the situation and will bring a video camera. I realise there will be some official record but would like to experiment with the location. Not going too much off topic as #Tech, just some side issues. Earlier this year I attended #NLC2016 in Lancaster. Networked Learning is not starting with #tech but there is some possible crossover. continues on @wenotno , tomorrow on @phonicfm 12 -2 . Our chat between sounds is speculative but we welcome links to informed mp3 , also guests.