
Homebase blog for a group of sites updated by Will Pollard. The hope is to work out how they link together so people can find the bits of interest.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Tweet Screenshot Expanded #TechExeter

Blog post may explain tweets, they can be cryptic when edited to fit. I have been looking at the #TechExeter promotion and thinking about the #mtwr situation. (New readers , #mtwr is Management Theory at Work in Radio, continues #mtw3 ) #mtwr has so far been at the Bike shed Bar and Theatre during the summer lull when they gave us the space. #mtw3 started as a social media launch for a "f2f" event but this has not happened yet.

I like the #TechExeter event as a mix of theory and practice. My impression is that this sort of thing is becoming more rare, even at Business Schools. So I will be following the situation and will bring a video camera. I realise there will be some official record but would like to experiment with the location. Not going too much off topic as #Tech, just some side issues. Earlier this year I attended #NLC2016 in Lancaster. Networked Learning is not starting with #tech but there is some possible crossover. continues on @wenotno , tomorrow on @phonicfm 12 -2 . Our chat between sounds is speculative but we welcome links to informed mp3 , also guests.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Playlists in Context

Playlists on YouTube are a lot easier to set up than doing original video. I think I will do more of them for a while, until some model for funding better production is more obvious.

Recent conversation with JD during the start of the Wild Show. We more or less conclude subscriptions are an option but there is no easy way to make the leap into convincing people to believe that content will follow. we do mention YouTube RED, not available in the UK. Presumably in the USA there are developments around this possibility.

So I still have not actually uploaded anything for the two new channels - RGB2 for music performance etc and #mtwr - management theory at work in radio -  for conferences and theory. ( The chat with JD more or less covers the problem situation as a central case study, more or less the same as eighteen months ago )

So the Pop-Up Centre for Bar Management, Performance and Camera Studies continues but with some restrictions on scope. It may turn out that the bar is unable to make enough money from an event to cover much of a budget for promo video. There may have to be higher ticket prices or DVD sales. Advertising can only go so far. But the basic approach may have become normal. Video is just part of the budget and needs no special argument. Forthcoming events include the Tech Exeter conference where there seems to be no print budget and also a Phonic benefit with Banca da Gaia where the #tags are not on the printed promotion. Print still a priority for music events it seems. But I hope to discuss with people at both how they found out about the deatials of where and when. There may be some cross over. My guess is that video as part of social media can be quite casual but compared to a print budget there could be some production. Designers may get involved with standards on colour and soforth.

#mtwr is now more like a chat show but could go back to a conference format if there was interest. Getting to an occasion for launching a YouTube channel depends on a volume of subscriptions. There could be access to a YouTube London studio with 5,000 or so but so far none of the videos have this sort of level. So I will aim for 500 given there is nothing there yet. I will continue to add to the original channel with interviews or recordings from other events. Also the playlists will be updated.

For example the Networked Learning conference from earlier this year.

Later I might look at expanding the commenting on playlists into a product. Not just joking with JD when suggesting there could be a book relating to our radio. Subs for radio is a bit strange but a book format might contribute enough to justify some income. Worth a try, meanwhile a choice of dodgy lighting in the studio or dodgy sound in the daylight.

Definitely something from Halloween event with Widseth and Deor, production standards yet to be determined.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mixing print and social media - Banco de Gaia and #TechExeter

This blog post is to explain the background to some tweets. See previously for how social media can work around posters when promoting a music event such as a Phonic FM benefit. The #WonderfulWomenSing performance earlier this year was the first when the #tags were on the printed promotion and well promoted ahead of the event. The video was uploaded reasonably soon so probably was found through the #tag surviving as active. But the first printed posters for the Banco de Gaia benefit do not have any tags. This may change, will try out some existing tags and see if they match up.

Meanwhile the Tech Exeter conference seems to be mostly online. Following enquiries I have been sent a jpeg of an A3 poster. I have created two PDF files for printing. Also a much smaller extract jpeg that should work on this blog

The PDF files are here



Not  the most technique advanced PDF files, no embedded fonts or CMYK. Just a jpeg in a Word file. So lots to discuss if some proper prepress people turn up at the conference. But they could print better than a jpeg. I will try one out at the Fab Lab in the Exeter Central Library.

There is a lot of video on YouTube for Banco de Gaia , catalogue of music is mostly there. Also one well edited video from Grice that shows possibility from Phoenix. More later on how to make a case for better video production.

Both events are on the same day so maybe good time for discussion, has print gone? do #tags matter?

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Networked Learning Conference video now on YouTube

Three videos have now been published from a conference in Lancaster about networked learning - both keynotes and the closing panel. I have updated the playlist that started with recordings from previous events. I am trying to adapt a playlist approach that started around CD promotion. Gradually there is a pattern as to how video helps to promote and extend an event such as a conference or performance. It is still sometimes delayed in that the editing takes longer than expected but usually something turns up.

The conference also publishes through a hardback book of conference papers. This usually takes a couple of years so social media is on another timescale altogether. I hope to expand the playlist with other clips from other events as there will not be another conference till 2018.

Meanwhile in Exeter I continue to look at Management theory at Work in Radio and the forthcoming Tech Exeter event. #mtwr is not really an event in real life. As radio it repeats previous material maybe updating one section at a time. The clips gradually appear online so various versions may exist as people put it together. We may get back to Management Theory at Work as this conference also started in Lancaster and relates to Networked Learning. The subject base for networked learning though seems to have moved from management to education. It might move back again if technolgy proves more disruptive.

The Tech Exeter conference is all about technology. Some implications will be covered as part of Digital Exeter discussions. But there may be some overlap with networked learning ideas, or with open or networked learning. What is User Experience (UX) ? Is it another form of learning or is there some connection? I won't be pushing this sort of question but maybe there will be some informal video in background mode.

On Phonic FM there will be promotion through video and FM broadcasts for the Halloween benefit. No obvious theory involved but the case for video is much the same. so this blog will try to cover developments in each situation. Eventually it becomes normal, with some sort of production level being possible.

I am still trying to check when YouTube RED may be available in the UK. Maybe some other form of subscription might work. There has to be some way to fund video production and adverts are very annoying. The channels for RGB2 and mtwr are still there but nothing in them. One possibility is to look at what sort of production is possible through phones at very low cost. Talking heads ok if people are prepared to say something. Or there can continue to be links to other times and place. The playlist works well for this.