
Homebase blog for a group of sites updated by Will Pollard. The hope is to work out how they link together so people can find the bits of interest.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Trade issue reported but not much

Twitter has a clip from Today on Brexit but they have not chosen the bit where Angela Rayner mentions priority for tariff free access to the market. John Humphries queries how this can happen but there is no background on how EU may see free movement of goods and people as connected. EU speaker cut off yesterday because of the weather but surely the Today planners could find time to explain?

On Sky / Channel4  last night Jeremy Corbyn said " the priority is tariff free trade access". I cannot find this today in the print Guardian although they do report him at length. My guess is that the Guardian has been supporting LibDems as a way to contest Brexit but this has had a mixed response. Looking at what Labour would actually negotiate could have more potential. They might say more if they thought they would be fairly reported. So far Andrew Neil and Jeremy Paxman have concentrated on immigration in their questions.

Humphries shares a concern that the electorate is being "infantilised" by the absence of information on what Brexit negotiations are about. My guess is that this will be remembered or discovered if the consequences turn out to be difficult. So far the UK media has missed a lot as far as I can tell. Contrary evidence welcome. there are still a few days.

Monday, May 29, 2017

word cloud as three sound clips

Previous versions of Hello spiders had a graphic of a word cloud. Something like quality, learning, communication. The three things fir together. I started on this working on ISO9000 in print industry, then wanted to know why learning failed to happen. or at least quite slow.

Since this is linked to a  pinned  tweet you may wonder why there are so many tweets on #Corbyn and #Brexit. This may be a temp thing but has continued since the referendum. I have found the media take on #Corbyn to be shocking, still is. Recently I notice that social media are a large part of the election, especially with younger people. Could link to the main themes of the blog, too early to know but something is going on, not sure of scale or timing.

Recently I work mostly with radio, more advanced in streaming and breaking content into clips. Text publishing could be similar sometime soon. Three recent clips are a base for future links, some as sound, some as text.

Design Science DJ

My colleague JD continues to doubt my proposals but we still score well if you search for Design Science DJ on YouTube

MOCC pronounced MOK

I hope to do a draft report / story about this, maybe a finished up one in time for BETT 2018

Studio in cloud run by robots

Going more with speculation / imagination. Actual studio to follow later.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Improvement Circle meeting promo as an improvement loop

Blog post to collect some things together. I am trying out video and hashtags as promo for a meeting on June 1 at the CQI in London. I have an interest in social media and video. So far mixed results on getting resources for video production.

Should any meetings space also have the basics for a studio? Tripods hard to carry if going to London for the day. Sound mixing can help, at least a feed from a desk. Soforth.

So I have started with a quick video via Adobe Spark. Much more complex presenytations are possible. the download can be edited with other clips. Also a playlist on YouTube

Also a #hashtag for Twitter - #improvementcircle

Guess is there will be more video found with the same tag during May and June. Suggestions are welcome.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Video production as a learning loop

Title just seems best available for update on my situation.

There is a day event coming up at the CQI in London. Organised by two special interest groups - Edwards Deming and the Next Generation. There is still power in face to face but I want to explore how online relates to this, for example as promotion ahead of one event or as a draft of the next one.

Previously I have tried to do video from quality meetings, some at the CQI, and found that there are several issues. Some people are not relaxed with casual recording. The production standards are supposed to be better than most YouTube style ( this is a bit outdated now, there are many well produced clips that are still casual conversation) although there is a limited budget.

So my current idea is to look for existing video that relates to the event, then take at least one camera. No tripod as harder to carry. Maybe the CQI could invest in a tripod ot there is one not far away.

I am also thinking about #BadBlood , tag for a performance mixing myth and Taylor Swift. Started on Valentines evening with one repeat so far. My YouTube playlist can mix in full tracks from Taylor Swift without any copyright issues. Analytics show views now dropping off but the view time is over 30 min. I have done several video clips of the Cartwheels Collective in various guises, never getting the sound and camera quite as I hope for it to be another time. But maybe getting closer and the teepee will soon be looked out for the summer so at least the lighting may be sorted.

#BadBlood also exists as radio, in the slot before the Wild Show on @PhonicFM. So I get to meet the Storyteller and may take over the slot when he is on tour. Not sure of the dates yet or how much of the Wild Show I can take for chat. should be mostly music.

Suggest #improvementcycle as a tag for this event. Just done a search on Twitter, nothing since March and what turns up is relevant.

Suggestions welcome for video to include in a playlist.

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Reference content on Lancaster campus as a location for video chat

This post is to link to some photos following visit to Lancaster last week. The main news is that the Making Time Garden has been demolished. Part of the project to upgrade the Spine. This  has destroyed the site as a real place in my head. I can no longer imagine my next visit to the garden. It has to be working on text or mixing photos. Also the people working on the site confirmed that the complete date is sometime next year not the end of this. So I am getting ready for quite a long time to prepare a script or related clips before a chat show / set of interviews / presentations as a walk along the spine.

Meanwhile, the video as uploaded at the time

A map based on panorama from photos ( scale may wobble a bit but shows the walk )

A graphic that could be a printed page with extra detail. For new readers, start with tech vision, critique at business school, check in public space ( near Costa for example ) This first part is still possible during Spine work. Sites towards InfoLab21 and near tree outside Management School with space for recording in daylight. The problem now is the South Spine to discuss the implications. Apparently the Making time Garden will be replaced so more on this later.

Photos of each space

Near InfoLab 21

Tree near Management School

Demolish Making Time Garden

Pods near Arts building