
Homebase blog for a group of sites updated by Will Pollard. The hope is to work out how they link together so people can find the bits of interest.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Photos from Print Show

I am on holiday next week, maybe some web access for text but not coping with images. So here are some from Print Show visit on Tuesday. Previous blog misinformed. Fuji did not have a Jetpress at the show, they had printed the book covers earlier somewhere else. Booklets at the event mostly from Xerox as far as i could make it out. My fantasy of a full colour book / magazine in very short runs still survives. But maybe some way off. 3D printing and fabrics quite possible. Overall clear evidence that a digital print industry is almost here. Litho in background. More later.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Scope of Management Theory at Work in Radio

Something continues around Management Theory at Work in Radio. started as Management Theory at Work, two conferences at Lancaster early in this century. there was a proposal for a third one that I did some social media to promote. But it has not happened yet so I have been trying a radio version. Two occasions so far with an actual space and a schedule. Other than that sound in a studio and links. Video as well as sound following Radio 1 take on "visual radio" .

Couple of connections to Phonic FM. The Storyteller on a Thursday is also the Standup Philosopher. At the Bikeshed he spoke about critique and action though at the Phoenix takeover more about maths exams. Carl Munson who used to be on Phonic spoke about the Communication Club at the Bikeshed and has recently relaunched this through social media.

The Communication Club started as a discussion for people working at Seale Hayne . I was interested as a form of "Quality Circle" something now more or less extinct in the UK but still happening in Asia and a classic quality idea. Recently I joined a podcast / vid conference for the Communication Club and explained some of this. It seemed a bit out of place though for a discussion that is both more personal and more general.

So I realise the previous elements of Management Theory at Work in Radio have moved on in various directions. So scope gets wider but with a lot of space in between.

tag continues - #mtwr

On the Communication Club I will need to explain how my mood often depends on work situation so may seem to go off topic.

Monday, September 09, 2019

#UnbundledHE started MOOC again , Commons and Market as imaginaries #Futurelearn

MOOC now open, both weeks available. I am doing it in reverse order as I did it  previously this year. Also it makes more sense with the aspect of the Commons as an alternative to the Market. There are some radical ideas about access and sharing. Most of the content of the course though is about business models. Some of my other comments will be about business news.

What I now realise having watched the video again when Robin Mansell talks about imaginaries. I had thought I would need some sort of argument to link the Market and Commons but I think she is saying the imaginary describes what seems to exist so there could be two or several imaginaries at the same time.

Mostly I am working now on radio. Some musicians will perform for free. Others have a theory of content marketing. With PRS we can play most tracks on FM. Streaming music now widely available. Grateful Dead on Internet Archive, also on Warner Brothers in various formats. Not sure how this fits together but should have another post before the end of next week when this Mooc closes.

Probably not too late to join the MOOC - click HERE

Researchgate text version of some of the video

Creative Commons is an option on YouTube when selecting copyright policy. Also still possible to edit clips together online though this is hidden away now. When YouTube started much more obvious. More on this later.

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Unbundled HE MOOC starts again tomorrow #Futurelearn

Tomorrow the second course starts on Unbundled Higher Education. I did the first one and have now signed up for the Futurelearn bundle so access will continue. It will be interesting to see how much it has changed. I think the case for online platforms is more obvious now than it has been. Some university opinion questioning the costs of using an online platform service. Will they invest in their own? Seems to be a marketing question. the specialists have a method of reaching people. This is one argument for the MOOC, just seen as content marketing. It gradually encourages people towards a paid course. As memory serves towards the end of the Unbundled HE course, next week, there is a comparison of an open and commercial set of values. Still very confusing but maybe they coexist.

Still a mystery why Futurelearn is not better thought of in the UK. OU still the only uni to have invested. What is the thinking at the Australian jobs site SEEK ?  Could be a south hemisphere perspective or something to do with the Pacific. My new ticket is not offering access to the Online Educator content from OU but it comes round again and as memory serves has a critique of theory on industry disruption. Change in HE may be slow but the theory suggests it starts at the low end so may not be noticed. Maybe with jobs / vocational . So tech before science, business before  sociology.

Meanwhile I will continue to look at how Peter Horrocks was reported while at OU. See previous posts.

Saturday, September 07, 2019

Blogs on IPEX and drupa continue here ahead of Print Show at NEC

Previously I have done blogs called IPEX2002 and also drupa2008 . Both continued later but not recently. I am going to the Print Show at NEC Birmingham later this month so will try to update.

I now mostly relate to music and radio but print is still an interest. I am trying more with text, can be quick so should be part of the mix.

Pat McGrew still on Twitter - @PatMcGrew - and still interested in digital local newspapers linked to supermarkets for adverts and distribution. I have tried to find John Charnock on LinkedIn but will try Twitter also. They were both at the last IPEX, also at NEC Birmingham. he was interested in shortrun arts books, or any content in full colour.

This year there is a feature for celebrity books. Possibly the kit to produce them will not be there. The days of big shows with lots of metal are definitely over. But Fuji seem to be there so maybe a B2 digital press is one way to produce books, might work for a magazine / newspaper. I think weekday newspapers are less likely to continue than a weekend bundle. So something to look into.

Any clues welcome.

YouTube continues at modest level #mtwr #RGB2

News seems to be that YouTube has decided not to compete with the subscription model started by Netflix and now entering a phase of massive cost. FT reports that many projects will continue but the drift seems to be that my sort of style still has a place. I have done a lot of low level video over the last decade and was thinking about how to move up  a level. Gaining subscribers, persuading them of a price level, delivering quality on a regular basis, this is all quite difficult. I have started two channels - RGB2 for locality near Exeter UK and #mtwr - Management Theory at Work in Radio. Rougemont Global Broadcasting is an alias for my personal channel. RGB2 could have a production budget, but not yet.

Meanwhile I find that search often comes up with something similar to what I might have produced. I work more on radio, sound clips are cheap / easy to edit. So enough to link together bits from other sources. Hashtags become very significant, both to find things and allow the audience to expand in ways that suit them. #mtwr can be more open, I still continue the original themes but they go in various directions.

RGB2 may be more about other sources for local media. Exeter as part of Devon or a bit wider. Still interested in Radio 1 take on "visual radio" , possibly the same as video but not yet clear.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Next couple of months looking back from BETT

I am in a sort of loop, it just gets more plausible as it continues. Summer over so trying to sort out sequence of dates. started yesterday with Learning Technologies and BETT from early next year. Repeat of MOOC courses should update background ideas.

As it gets more reliable to regard online learning platforms as viable, other things seem easier to claim also. Print is still part of the mix, but it fits into digital. this is quite a shift, not sure it is realised. will check this at PrintShow 17 -19 this month. October 11-13 is Comics in Kendal. The Brewary Arts Centre is moving into digital with improved cinema. Print still the basis for comics though.

Quality ideas may be described as part of "design" . Seems to be easier to present. I am still working with JD on Design Science DJ sequence as part of Wild Show on Phonic FM. "Design Thinking" may be more currant. Meanwhile meetings continue for the Deming SIG at the CQI. The scope is limited to ISO 9000 so not of wide interest but the topics relate to other ways of looking at things. I hope to do some video and look at formats for upload later.

Going back to online learning, most HE now has some sort of marketing presence on YouTube and other social media. Often just a form of brochure but there is a lot of content also. Video / sound production is more available. Likely to continue at BETT / Learning Technologies. Voice interface for computing also in development with links to AI.

Monday, September 02, 2019

Futurelearn continues, MOOC repeats on Unbundled and Online

I have moved on to a new level with Futurelearn, paid out for a complete year. Turns out I do not get access to courses already done but two of them are coming round again. the Online Educator and Unbundled HE. Different order to first time around.

Starting with UnBundled HE I will have another look at Futurelearn as a business idea. Last time the funding was a bit unknown, at least in public. The connection to recruitment is still unexplored I think. I may check out more locally. Exeter has some degree courses online but not sure how they are marketed. Empire and Weather on Futurelearn but not yet linked to degrees as far as I know.

As memory serves the Online course had a big query about technology and disruption. Made a case for learning theory as a constant. However I think tech can make new things possible. Disruption theory can be about starting at a low level, the cheaper mass market part of any situation. So it may appear in the centre that not much is happening although changes start at the edges. So tech rather than science, business school rather than social science.

I am get behind, usually take a while to catch up or follow the links. So topics may well continue through BETT and Learning Technologies early next year. BETT probably to include voice interface for computers again. Strong for informal learning but not sure education welcomes this yet. Probably similar questions, if Coursera a Unicorn as seen in USA, why no more support in UK for Futurelearn?

Stats in quality and learning

This is an extended tweet, not enough space even for a question. Today I was reminded about a conference on learning and analytics- #alasi2019  deadline coming soon. It is a conference in Australia.

I think there is a lot of experience in manufacturing around process control that may be relevant. But maybe the words used are not the same.

So suppose a factory has a certain quantity of milk arriving, also delivers a quantity of cheese. Changes month by month.  Also a learning platform posts certain number of tweets, has a new free MOOC each month, various levels of interest, various proportion move on to a paid course.

Is there a common language for this, stages in a process?

More coming up in future weeks but this is enough for now to see if there is some interest.