Queen Street this week
This is notes around radio shows and a talk by John Walter on Saturday. This post too long for Twitter but there will be versions as myself - @will789gb -and the We Don't Know show - @wenotno . Also Facebook page for the Wild Show.
There is no We Don't Know Show this week, it alternates with Cathy Towers. But we will meet tomorrow and record something for next week. The Wild Show is every week. Both 10 - 12 in the morning.
On both shows we have looked at a route around the RAMM museum and the Phoenix arts centre. John Walter has work in both. There could be a circle or block route but how to guide it? Photo, sound, augmented reality?
Also on Thursday the Drama Show - 8 - 10 . @PhonicFM . There is a play "Crossing Queen Street" based on Jon Mahy views last year. I am thinking of my own version to include the new student accommodation built on Harlequins site. Jon has a negative response to the flower containers. I am disturbed by the new buildings such as the Depot. I may need another route to get to the Guildhall.
Cafe 55 should be open. How to get there?
Saturday John Walter talk at Phoenix. Questions may include open access / remix of art content. Has it gone too far?