Notes for BETT 2022 / @PhonicFM
Previously I have visited BETT with Chris Norton and Jon Mahy from Wild Show and We Don't Know , shows on Phonic FM. I also do a drama show with a fiction take on tech. We are not leaving Exeter this year but the return to some sort of normal is welcome.
Topics can continue on social media and @wenotno ( Wed 10 -12 ) drama show ( Thur 8 - 10 ) and #WildShow ( Thur 10 - 12 ).
We will check for news via Russell Prue on Twitter. @RussellPrue stand SK 51 . We may phone in somehow or replay recent archive. Why is it important for radio to be live?
The #BBC seems to be back . What happened to Jam ? Was it BBC Learning that supported Radio 1 and Big Weekend?
E Sports Hub is new but here is video from lockdown phase.
Is this the A in STEAM ? In Exeter somewhere between @Kaleider for Arts and @TechExeter. Minecraft as in models from RAMM museum.
Drama includes immersive worlds. Video from a while ago there may be new courses.
More topics during the shows, this is a start for tweets etc.