Notes for Wild Show / @wenotno post BETT
I am starting to follow up aspects of BETT and make more local contacts. Not much in Exeter so far but today I noticed there is an announcement about CEG Digital and Plymouth University. I thought the HE aspect of BETT was most interesting. There have always been some "lurkers" as the tech scop is wider than most education events. But this year there was an official space with support from cloud companies. I am waiting on video to turn up. I cannot find details of Plymouth courses but they have a section for support of online learning including access to LinkedIn Learning. This has been connected to Learning Technologies ( a sort of BETT companion for grown ups ) . I will try to find out more about Plymouth. There will be an Incubator at Exeter over the summer and later a research institute as part of the strategy for 2030. But the Plymouth setup seems closer to aspects of tech that could be used more widely. Panopto is a way to record lectures as video and other ways. For radio we need bits of mp3 so video is one option. The discussion is about all the tch methods that emerged during the lockdown and no could be part of new normal. Schools Radio is one way to look at it.